Corvinia Members

Producatori legume din judetul Hunedoara, membri ai grupului Corvinia

Harau farm

  • Harau farm cultivates tomatoes, peppers, peppers, eggplants, pumpkin - the potato and maize are removed, cultivated (over 2000 square meters in the sun and over 2 hours in the field.

Gânţaga farm

  • Gânţaga farm cultivates over 400 square meters in solariums and over 3000 square meters in the field (tomatoes, gooseberries, green salad, pumpkin, sweet corn

Rovina microplant farm

  • Microplants Rovina Farm cultivates in an indoor system, continuously ensuring an annual production of edible flowers, sorrel, nasturtium, basil, oxalis, mint, arugula, broccoli, mustard, etc.

Uroi farm

  • Uroi Farm grows over 14,000 sqm in covered system: Cornichon, Cherry / various varieties, gulley, green onion, tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers.

Rovina farms

  • 13,000 m² of heated greenhouses: cabbage, gooseberries, Farbio cucumber, cherry tomatoes; 10,000 m² in cold solariums: gooseberries, tomatoes, green onions; 10,000 m² in the field: Gulie throughout the year. The activity started in 2011.

Gelmar farms

  • Gelmar farms cultivate 9000 m² in solariums and over 60,000 square meters in the field: Brocolli, green onion, gulli, red radishes, green salad, white cabbage, gulli, pumpkin, lubenita, melons, Kapia, donut, tomato, tomatoes.
Date fiscale: Grup Prod Corvinia SRL, Calea Zarandului, nr. 55, Deva, jud. Hunedoara CUI: RO 29908349, NRC: J20/220/2012